1600 C Clear Lake City Blvd. Houston, TX 77062


Posted September 13, 2017 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth – At Least Wear a Mouth Guard

According to the American Dental Association, at least 13% of all injuries to the mouth occur during sports activities. While helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, and the like do a great job of protecting most of the body, Dr. Dassani would like to make sure that every athlete knows how to keep their teeth safe […]

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Posted August 27, 2017 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental News, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Diet Soda and Dental Health: What You Need to Know

In today’s calorie-obsessed culture, it can be hard to find the truth among all of the health-conscious noise. Often times, Houston residents are misinformed and misled about the health benefits of trends like as cleanses, sugar alternatives, diets, organic vs. nonorganic, and a myriad of other common topics. Today Dr. Dassani would like to clear up […]

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Posted August 13, 2017 / Blog, Dental News, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

The Story of Caries Prevention

If we told you that your mouth is the site of a constant battle between teeth and bacteria, would you believe us? Alright, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the fact that Houston teeth are always at risk of developing dental caries is no exaggeration. In case you’ve never heard about caries, Dr. Dassani is going […]

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Posted July 27, 2017 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Are You Singing the Toothache Blues?

Are you or a loved one suffering from the toothache blues? Don’t wait around in pain for the problem to resolve itself. Although we do enjoy spending quality time with our patients at Dassani Dentistry, we don’t want any Houston residents to have to undergo dental procedures that could have been avoided. A toothache can […]

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Posted July 13, 2017 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

The Tooth About Teeth Grinding

Headaches in Houston are a dime a dozen. We all know the frustration of having your day interrupted by throbbing, shooting pains in the head. If you suffer from frequent headaches that never seem to go away, Dr. Meghna Dassani would like you to know about bruxism, or teeth grinding, a common condition that Houston residents […]

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Posted June 27, 2017 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental News, Dental Services, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Caring for Your Dentures

The image of a glass full of false teeth on the nightstand is plastered all throughout popular culture. You would think that soaking your dentures in water and cleaner is sufficient, but Dr. Meghna Dassani reminds us that proper denture care requires more than just that. In fact, denture maintenance is an important part of […]

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Posted June 13, 2017 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Relief from Dry, Chapped, & Cracked Lips

We’re no strangers to extreme temperatures and dry weather in Houston, and our lips are proof. Most of us experience chapped lips at some point during the year and it’s not uncommon to see lips that suffer from annoying, painful cracks. Here at Dassani Dentistry we are very much attuned the oral health needs of […]

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Posted May 27, 2017 / Blog, Dental Services, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

4 Facts about Dental Implants

Most Houston residents will lose a tooth at some point in their lives, but that doesn’t mean your smile has to suffer. There are numerous ways to fix a lost tooth, but today, Dr. Meghna Dassani would like to educate you about the best option for a healthy smile that will last a lifetime: dental […]

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Posted May 13, 2017 / Blog, Dental Services, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Professional Dental Cleanings Make a Big Difference

You’ve been hearing it for years – “make sure to visit Dr. Meghna Dassani twice a year for your regular cleanings.” Just in case you’ve ever wondered why regular dental cleanings are so important, we at Dassani Dentistry would like to take this opportunity to let Houston residents in on some information you don’t often […]

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Posted April 27, 2017 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental News, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Fun Dental Facts…Did You Know?

Sure, dentistry is serious medicine, and daily dental hygiene is a top priority. But teeth can be pretty fun, too! And fascinating. For starters, have you ever seen the full sets of baby teeth and adult teeth present in a child’s head x-ray? Go ahead, look it up. Dassani Dentistry in Houston treats our patients […]

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