1600 C Clear Lake City Blvd. Houston, TX 77062

Healthy Sleep Revolution Podcast

Snoring? Tired all day? Trouble focusing? So many think these symptoms are common in kids and adults when tired. Join us as we debunk some of these common myths and put the spotlight on Sleep Apnea. Discover what constitutes Healthy Sleep and how we can help ourselves and our kids get the best sleep ever.

Sleep Houston

When Snoring Gets Serious

Does your significant other say that you snore heavily, only to stop breathing suddenly throughout the night? Are you often sleepy during the day and never feel truly rested, despite getting a full night’s sleep? These could be signs of sleep apnea, a disorder during which your breathing pauses or becomes very shallow multiple times throughout the night due to obstruction in your airway.

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Tuesday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Closed Friday-Sunday)